Have The Confidence To Start Your New Project, Today

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Image taken from TRIM-IT app Linkedin page – https://www.linkedin.com/company/trim-it/

Today’s post is taken from the panel: Confidence Is A Mindset – Learning From The Creatives, at the BYP Leadership Conference featuring Darren Tenkorang: CEO & Co-founder of TRIM-IT, Roxanne Campbell: Celebrity Manicurist, CEO of Roxanne Campbell, Tolu Ogunmefun (Don’t Jealous Me): Actor, Influencer, Host, Alvin Carpio: Chief Executive, The Fourth Group and Rachael Corson (as the host of the panel): Founder of Afrocenchix.

Confidence is all about being able to adapt to last minute surprises. In this period of COVID-19 and quarantine, the importance of being able to adapt is key for all of us. We don’t know how long this lockdown period is going to end and when we look at the harsh reality of the situation, we don’t know if things will ever be the same. We can’t sit on our hands and wait for things to get better for us, this is as good a time as any to take action and try to do things that will allow us to better ourselves in a positive fashion.

This is a period where many are starting to put out content, many are starting projects and getting new businesses off the ground and confidence is key for this. A common theme from the panelists in getting their projects off the ground was facing rejection – Darren for example being told by investors that his TRIM-IT company wouldn’t work or that it wasn’t good. The nos that he received made him resilient and built his resolve which eventually allowed him to push through the adversity and bring his dream to reality. There were people that didn’t understand his vision and now when he looks back on his journey, this didn’t matter and those people that didn’t believe are now only cliffnotes in his story.

Roxanne Campbell talks about leveraging your experience to create something that is unique. This can be in using your expertise and knowledge to creating a new product or service or simply getting your knowledge out there to inspire and help others like yourself. Tolu Ogunmefun highlights the importance of doing what you love and feel strongly for, such as himself and his comedy. These are important things for us to think about when it comes to having the confidence to start and follow through to the end of our projects. There is a mountain of value that you are sitting on and you might be looking for the right time to get started with it but this time of uncertainty has shown us all that there’s no better time than the present to bring things to reality. iIf not now, then when?

In this period we’re in now, you might be wanting to start something new for a long time but you have just needed a push to begin. Let this be the push that you need. People might not see the value or the potential in what you’re planning yet but this is the time where we all need something new, something different and innovative. With confidence and careful planning, you too can create something special. 

You can watch the full panel here below: Confidence Is A Mindset – Learning From The Creatives.

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