BNY Mellon and The World Reimagined

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BNY Mellon and The World Reimagined

The World Reimagined is a ground-breaking, mass participation art education project to transform how we understand the Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans and its impact on all of us, so we can make racial justice a reality for all. As part of the project, 103 globes have formed walking trails across seven locations in the UK – London, Birmingham, Bristol, Leeds, Leicester, Swansea and the Liverpool City Region until 31 October. Artists have been commissioned to design each globe and as part of BNY Mellon’s involvement, the company has sponsored two globes which feature in trails across London and Liverpool.

About BNY Mellon’s Globes

The first globe, from artist Fiona Compton, is displayed close to Liverpool Cathedral (St James’ Mount) in the City of Liverpool. Fiona’s globe ‘Palace of The Peacock (The Reality of Being Enslaved)’ is a homage to the enslaved women who resisted enslavement.

The second, by artisit, Àsìkò Okelarin is displayed in London – on Peter’s Hill (between Millennium Bridge and St Paul’s Cathedral). Entitled ‘The Road to Freedom, Hidden In Plain Sight (Abolition & Emancipation)’. The artwork is a series of three portraits of the Black abolitionists; Olaudah Equiano, Mary Prince and Ottobah Cugoano who lived in the UK between 1745 and 1833. The work celebrates these individuals through the medium of photography and collage. This globe reimagines the three abolitionists in their European dress incorporated with aspects of their African heritage.

BNY Mellon is proud to support The World Reimagined‘s journey of discovery – a trail of artfully curated globes throughout the UK. Illustrating a shared history of racial injustice, our sponsored globes in the City of London and Liverpool are available to the public until 31 October. Can’t make it out to the trails? Take the virtual tour!

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