The BYP is partnering with the new, progressive and innovative hiring platform, Applied. This breakthrough company provides a better way to find better candidates with their nuanced debiased recruiting approach.
Diversity and inclusion are some of the main causes the BYP champions, aiming to highlight and support the Diaspora in all career fields and professions. So, it was a no-brainer for Applied and BYP to join forces to propel our talents to the forefront of the industry.
Understanding The Problem is More Systemic Than You Think
Hiring practices are traditionally not in favor of Black candidates. This is despite candidates being just as, or over, qualified when compared to their white counterparts. We can look back in history to examine where this impact started, mainly with Black people not being allowed to participate beyond service roles.
In addition, many companies and organizations have a century (or a few) of headway to building their infrastructures and gaining the upper hand in the workforce. From banking to manufacturing to construction and trading, consumer goods and transportation, dozens of the world’s largest organizations have been around for a hundred years or more.
In an era of opening their doors to non-black candidates, many companies have unfairly adopted the hard-to-find qualified Black candidate trope. An idea that research by the Stanford Social Innovation Review debunked as a fallacy, and now seems like an excuse or a way to say, “We tried, but we couldn’t find any.”
Diversity and Inclusion are Here to Stay Thanks to Applied’s New Technology
This is where Applied comes in. The platform identified the problem, that humans aren’t perfect when it comes to decision making and how traditional hiring methods allow for unconscious bias to creep in. So they created a system that applies science and insights over human impulses. The business was originally created as a side project but has quickly become a leader in behavioral economics, a new science that combines elements of economics and psychology to understand how and why people behave the way they do in the real world.
Applied’s help comes in the form of user-friendly software. Resumes, unstructured interviews, and non-merited network connections can now become a thing of the past. The database uses assessments that predict workplace ability, making the entire process fairer.
They also provide hiring tools, like interview questions for specific fields of work, a job description tool, and free recruitment training via their website. All elements that help organizations truly do the work that helps build better teams and services global markets in a whole new way.
What This All Means for Black Professionals Now and in the Future
Black professionals can benefit from Applied’s mission in various ways. Human resource departments using the software will be able to look past their individual thoughts or biases about how effective or noneffective they think adding people of color to their ranks will be. This gives professionals a better opportunity to get in the door and a chance to make an impact.
Through this partnership, members of the BYP Network can get firsthand information on open positions at Applied, as well as updates to their platform and software. There is also the opportunity to entice change by presenting Applied to leadership, for the professionals already working within HR or who are involved in any hiring processes.
Applied also enhances the chances of gaining the best overall talent, which yields the best results that ultimately keep companies afloat. Organizations benefit from better workplace environments for all, as the assessments consider the business itself and who will be best suited for not only the work but the environment they aim to create.
To learn more about Be Applied or to apply for their available opportunities please visit their BYP jobs board here.