Statement from BYP Network
This is a statement written by Kike Oniwinde Agoro, Founder & CEO of BYP Network in regards to the recent killings of black people
around the world - 4th June 2020
We are truly saddened about all the events that are unfolding around the globe towards the black community. From the Black Lives Matter protests due to the unlawful and inhuman killing of black men and women including George Floyd, Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery and so many more. The disproportionate deaths of Covid-19 in the black community in the UK and beyond. Along with the murder of Belly Mujinga, from a man with Covid-19 who spat at her and was able to walk away with his identity covered and the case closed.
Now more than ever we feel it necessary to remind our community of why BYP Network exists and what it is we stand for. We were created in Autumn 2016 after the harrowing videos of Sandra Bland, Philando Castile, Alton Sterling and many more dying at the hands of police brutality in America. Alongside this, the UK was struggling with highest rates of knife crime epidemic, the lack of black people in companies let alone senior positions and an inability to find positive role models outside of the entertainment industry. From this BYP Network was created to ‘change the black narrative’ by bringing the black professional global community together to solve our own problems through economic empowerment and connectivity.
Through the creation of our app and platform we connect black professionals around the world to niche local and global communities, job opportunities, employer black networks, black businesses and other black professionals. We are here to:
- To serve the black community and ensure that every life matters
- To create and uplift black leaders in the world of work, business and community
- To focus the black narrative to one of aspirations, attainability and achievement
- To enhance black lives through providing new opportunities and connections
- To be the go to platform for all things black professionals
- To uphold the highest standards when serving and representing the community
- To be a bridge between the community and corporations, institutions and establishments
- To one day be the voice of the black professional global community
As a member of the BYP Network we ask that you uphold a set of shared values and understanding of what it takes to truly support the black community:
- To mentor and uplift those that reach out to you including upskilling and knowledge sharing
- To refer those from the network to job and funding opportunities
- To send the ladder back down rather than pulling it up
- To spend money on businesses that genuinely care about the black community
- To give constructive criticism to black businesses and whole hearted be happy and supportive of black founders
This platform is our way of bringing this talented yet marginalised community together to support one another and grow together. Helping them connect all over the world is our way of bridging the divisions that exist internally and externally of the black community. We also believe in working with corporations and holding them accountable to real organisational change and responsibility for developing and empowering the black community. We welcome allies that want to help gain equity and equality for the black community whilst understanding the importance of not taking up space.
We are grateful for all the support to date from both our members, allies and well-wishers. Please continue to spread the word and uplift our shared values.
Kind regards,
BYP Network
Kike Oniwinde Agoro
Founder & CEO