Three BYP-Approved Signs An Employer Prioritizes ED&I

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How can you tell if an employer values and is committed to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion? Is it clear that the business is taking noticeable action?

Recent research from the Hays Equity, Diversity & Inclusion Report, highlighted that although nearly two-thirds of professionals say their employer actively talks about the importance of ED&I, only 48% of companies ensure that action meets intention. It was also revealed that fewer than half of the professionals surveyed believe there are sufficient efforts to recruit diverse talent.

Below are five ways to gain a clearer picture of how much your new potential employer values ED&I.

1. Their images on their website reflect the diversity

By looking at their website, you can see if the employee photos represent different backgrounds or if there is a pattern of homogeneity. Also, skim through the ‘about us’ section to look for metrics on diversity and hiring practices.

Employers that understand the value of good ED&I will want to ensure it is highlighted through concise communication on their website.

2. Their core values align with yours 

You can find out if ED&I are high on their agenda by reading the mission. Also, it’s worth checking to see if there is anyone working at the organization who holds a title that relates to ED&I. Sometimes there are employees who work on specific programs while some businesses have departments dedicated to this area as opposed to one person.

3. They are open-minded and allow for autonomy

The benefits an organization offers are a good indication of how much they value inclusion. In lieu of the pandemic, flexible or hybrid working is no longer just ‘nice-to-have,’ but are standard benefits. Companies that are concerned with inclusion will promote it as widely as possible.

Other benefits that help establish if your potential employer’s ED&I support include:

  • Mental health support
  • Maternity and paternity leave
  • Religious holidays
  • Senior care flexibility

Understanding a company’s diversity and inclusion efforts requires research

Ask questions during your interview

Interviewers often ask if you have any further questions towards the end of your interview. This is the perfect opportunity to find out how committed the business is to equity, diversity, and inclusion. Some specific questions to think about asking include:

  • Does the organization offer training on equity, diversity, and inclusion?
  • How are managers supported in promoting good ED&I practices? 
  • Do you have any employee resource groups to join?
  • What benefits does the company offer?

Reach out to connections you know

Check to see if you know anyone who currently or previously worked at the business. LinkedIn is a great place to check for potential connections. If you do have a connection, send a message or email to see if they can share any information on the organization’s commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion.

Working for a company that values ED&I and carries out meaningful action can land you in a broader pool of knowledge, talent, and awareness. This commitment can support both your personal growth and career aspirations.

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